October Fun!
So many exciting things have happened last week!
Most of you know by now that I am a 2x breast cancer survivor/thriver. I am passionate about spreading awareness and helping others. All of this "pink-washing" in October was the thing that made me do a self exam, almost 12 years ago to the day.
For that reason, I became an Ambassador for Susan G Komen. And last week was one of incredible opportunities!
First, I had my 15 "seconds" of fame making an appearance with other survivors on the Good Morning America Show. Me and my "heart-art" sign made a quick appearance on the outdoor patio with Ginger, while she gave some of the weather report.

A few days later I was invited to join the Susan G Komen CEO, Paula Schneider, and other amazing people at the New York Stock Exchange to help ring the closing bell!
How crazy is that?!

The investment company, Simplify, started a new health care ETF and 100% of the profits are being donated to Susan G Komen. It's an amazing project and added a new way for non-profits to fundraise. Think about the potential money that will be generated from this new fund.
I truly believe the research and technology will bring us amazing new treatments, medicines and eventually a cure in the short future. So much has changed in the past 12 years since I started my journey.
I believe!

I signed the wall at the NYSE!!
And I used "Allison Luci", my artist signature.

I even held the gavel!

With friend, fellow survivor and
founder of ihadcancer.com Mailet Lopez.

Such an amazing experience! I'm so grateful to have been a part of this incredible event.
Thank you Susan G Komen & Simplify!